Curbside collection days are changing for most homes in Côte Saint-Luc starting the week of Monday, February 2, 2015.
For single-family homes and duplexes, brown bins (organic waste) will collected on Mondays, blue bins (recyclables) on Tuesdays, bulky waste on Wednesdays, and garbage on Thursdays.
Residents can start placing closed-lid bins at the curb at 10 pm the night before the collection. You can place bulky waste as of noon the day before. Blue bins must be at the curb by 7 am on collection day to ensure it is collected. Brown bins, bulky waste, and garbage bins must be placed by 8 am on collection day.
It made financial sense to outsource garbage collection and organic waste collection. The contractor has the capacity to collect garbage from single-family homes and duplexes across Côte Saint-Luc in one day. Same with organics and bulky waste. We decided to simplify collection and schedule it on the same day.
For those townhouses that currently take part in curbside organic waste collection, they will follow the same schedule as single family homes and duplexes. For all other multi-family complexes and institutions, garbage collection is on Mondays and Thursdays, recycling collection remains on Tuesdays and bulky waste collection is on Wednesdays.
For old electronic items (computers, monitors, etc.) and household hazardous waste (paint, CFL bulbs, etc.), residents can bring these to the EcoCentre at 6925 Côte-des-Neiges or Public Works (7001 Mackle Rd.). Call 514-485-6868 to arrange a pick up at the curb of an old TV.
Côte Saint-Luc is mailing a flyer with the new collection days information to all homes, doing a city-wide phone call out, and sending an email to all those subscribed to the Côte Saint-Luc e-newsletter, among other things.