My appearance on Mike Cohen’s podcast

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I’m excited to be a guest on Councillor Mike Cohen’s podcast about my political involvement in the City of Côte Saint-Luc and my continued work in Public Safety / volunteer Citizens on Patrol. Have a listen and I hope you get involved in your community too. Your comments are always appreciated.

Nostalgia and appreciation: Recap of CSL ceremony celebrating many years of service

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It was a fun day for all who participated in the Cote Saint-Luc 2022 Golf Classic and picnic in the park. However it was especially meaningful to me and my friend, former Councillor Sam Goldbloom, as the two of us were recognized for our many years of service in political office.

Here are the video clips from the event with appreciation to event chairs Cllr. Mike Cohen, Cllr. Dida Berku and former Men’s Club chair Mannie Young. Also, many thanks to Mayor Mitchell Brownstein who produced an entertaining and personal overview of our exciting challenges together at City Hall.

I am thankful to be friends and colleagues with all of our mayors and city councillors, past and present, as well as MNAs and MPs and city staff. Each week I am still approached by a resident with a question about the city or politics, many thinking I am still in office! Often, I will refer them to my blog where I have amassed over 2000 posts about city matters.

My time serving constituents at city hall was an absolute honour and privilege. Although I’ve been approached to run again, at different levels of government, I am enjoying my professional career and wonderful time with family. But one never knows what lies ahead…

Mayor Mitchell Brownstein and Councillor Mike Cohen remarks at CSL Golf Classic, Aug. 9, 2022

Councillor Dida Berku remarks at CSL Golf Classic, Aug. 9, 2022

Former Councillor Glenn J. Nashen remarks of appreciation and nostalgia, CSL Golf Classic, Aug. 9, 2022

My golf buddies: Peter Lipari, owner operator of IGA CSL Rd., MNA David Birnbaum and Councillor Mike Cohen
Picnicking with Councillors Mitch Kujavsky and Lior Azerad
Councillor Mike Cohen, fmr. Councillors Glenn J. Nashen and Sam Goldbloom, Councillor Dida Berku and fmr. Men’s Club chair Mannie Young at Meadowbrook Golf Course (GJN 2022)

Remembering Michael Kutz

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Michael was my neighbour, friend, supporter and advisor. His assistance during election campaigns was always genuine and heartfelt. As his longtime City Councillor I could always count on his wise. What’s more, his opinion mattered to the entire council and helped to shape policies and programs.

Michael enriched the lives of countless others, young and old. He was a passionate advocate for human rights, tolerance and acceptance. He had an open mind, he listened to all and he challenged when necessary, politely and respectfully. In short, he was a true Mentsch.

Kutz was the recipient of countless community awards including CSL Ambassador of the Year in 2013. He was presented with the Supreme Chancellor’s medal by the Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias and he was a member of the board of governors, board of directors and executive of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre. Michael regularly spoke to students, was a longstanding member of the Brigadier Frederick Kisch Branch 97 and the Côte Saint-Luc Men’s Club. He published his autobiography, Life after darkness.

On learning of Michael’s passing, D’Arcy McGee MNA David Birnbaum said,”He was a gentle and courageous soul, whose generosity of spirit was all the more exceptional given the harrowing experience of the Holocaust that he endured.”

Former Cote Saint-Luc City Councillor Richard Schwartz said he would Richard fondly remembered Michael’s attendance at CSL council meetings and admirable contributions to the community. “We will miss his kind heart and sense of humour.”

Mike Cohen, City Councillor for District 2 and newspaper columnist told me this about Michael: “I have such fond memories of Michael Kutz. He and the late Gerry Weinstein were the dynamic duo of community activism. Michael was also a wonderful speaker about the Holocaust to young students.”

CSL Mayor Mitchell Browntein shared these thoughts with me: “Michael Kutz was an active volunteer in so many Cote Saint-Luc activities and a leader in Holocaust Remembrance.  He was kind, caring and passionate, always ready to lend a hand to support minority communities and believed strongly in justice and respect for all.  It was a pleasure working along side him on so many important issues for over 30 years. He was a dear friend and will be dearly missed.”


Michael Kutz memoirs

The Azrielli Foundation created the Holocaust Survivor Memoir Program where Michael Kutz was interviewed and shared his story: Nearly buried alive, ten-year-old Michael Kutz narrowly escaped the Nazi death squad that killed 4,000 Jews, including his own family, in his hometown of Nieśwież. Guided by his mother’s last words and determined to survive, he became the youngest member of a partisan resistance group in the dense Belorussian forest, and took part in daring operations against the Nazis and their collaborators.

He will be missed. He will be remembered.

Deepest condolences to Pat, Randy and Judy.


Highly acclaimed CSL resident Michael Kutz passes away, Suburban Newspaper

Farewell District 6 Adieu


It is with a heavy heart and humility that I accept the decision of District 6 voters.

I have called David Tordjman to congratulate him on his victory in this district and to wish him well in working on behalf of the constituency and all Cote Saint-Lucers.

I wish to thank those who continued to place their trust and confidence in me by marking their ballot next to my name. I appreciate your intentions notwithstanding the outcome.

To my campaign volunteers and supporters, I am gratified by your devotion in joining me on this incredible journey. You’ve been by my side in lousy weather, knocking on almost 2000 doors, hanging posters late on rainy nights, distributing flyers and postcards and making hundreds of phone calls and much more. I cannot express enough thanks to you for your efforts, your time and encouragement.

I have my council family to thank for six wonderful terms in office in harmony, fraternity and mutual respect. Mitchell Brownstein and Ruth Kovac have been my pillars of support from the very beginning. I revel in their victories and wish them, and all those elected, and those who were defeated, all the best as they move forward.

Finally, my own family has been rooted in Cote Saint-Luc for a lifetime. My parents instilled in me and my brothers a deep love for community. My wife and children embraced my civic pride and made it their own. The love and support of my wife – an extraordinary campaign manager; and my children – loyal, enthusiastic and adorable campaigners, is beyond description. Having dedicated my entire adult life to community and volunteerism, my kids have only known that their father was away at meetings at City Hall very, very frequently. I’ve missed so much at home and will now be able to be there for my family far more often.

As my wife describes, my heart is in Cote Saint-Luc and Cote Saint-Luc is in my heart. And that will never change.

For proven and trusted leadership re-elect Glenn J. Nashen | Pour un leadership assuré et fiable réélisez Glenn J. Nashen

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LIVE election results – Résultats des élections : Nov. 5, 2017   20:00   8:00PM


Where & When To Vote | Où et quand voter

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Safer Cycling, a priority in CSL | Le cyclisme sécuritaire, un priorité

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Watch & Share: Safer cycling ranks high on my plans. I started the CSL Cycles route and lanes which I want to expand. I introduced the very first municipal helmet law in Canada!

Regarder et partager: Le cyclisme en sécuritaire occupe une place importante dans mes plans. J’ai lancé le program Cycle CSL. J’ai initié la toute première loi municipale sur le casque de vélo au Canada!

Watch and share: Here’s what they’re saying | Regardez et partagez: Voici ce qu’ils disent

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Watch and share: What do Dr. Mitch Shulman (CJAD and MUHC), fmr. Quebec Minister of Revenue Lawrence Bergman and Dr. Marc Afilalo (JGH) have to say about the Cote Saint-Luc elections?


Regardez et partagez: Le Dr Mitch Shulman (CJAD et CUSM), ancien ministre du Revenu du Québec, Lawrence Bergman, et le Dr Marc Afilalo (HGJ) se prononcent sur les élections à Côte Saint-Luc. Écoutez ce qu’ils ont à dire.


More comments by residents.

Preserving our past, educating our children | La Société historique de CSL: conserver et éduquer


Watch and share: The history of CSL goes way back. Cool to see old photos from our neighbourhood from the 50s and 60s. But fascinating to see photos from 80 and 100 years ago. I started the CSL Historical Society to collect photos and memorabilia that we can share online and in our CSL Public Library. Please send in your really old family shots on our streets and in our parks to

Regardez et partagez: Il est tellement intéressant de voir de vieilles photos de notre quartier des années 50 et 60. C’est fascinant de voir des photos daté de 80 et 100 ans. J’ai commencé la société historique de CSL pour recueillir des photos et des souvenirs que nous pouvons partager en ligne et dans notre bibliothèque. S’il vous plaît envoyez nous vos vieux photos de vos fammilles dans nos rues et nos parcs à

Kindness and Kompassion on Kildare

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Alan Murad and Gloria Stermer, happy residents on Kildare Road


Street by street, house by house: this is the best part of the campaign.

Having knocked on over 1500 doors during this campaign – each and every door in District 6 – the mood I detected is one of general happiness with the state of affairs in our beautiful city of Cote Saint-Luc. To be sure, many residents have comments, especially when I’ve encouraged them with leading questions to share their opinions aloud. And many were pleased to simply say they had no issues and that they were happy with their city services as is.

I’ve noted each and every issue and have already initiated my follow-up with city staff, the mayor and my fellow councillors, as I have always done in offering quick action and open dialogue with my constituents. Indeed, I’ve shared many of these issues right here on Nashen Notes, posting local issues on my blog and soliciting wider input from residents.

I trust that my constituents have benefited from my proven and trusted leadership. With the help of voters in District 6 on Sunday, I hope to continue to assist them with their issues with the same sense of leadership, pride and determination.

Watch: Keeping CSL safe | Regardez: Gardez CSL le plus sécuritaire

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Watch and share: Working hard, on your behalf, making sure Cote Saint-Luc remains the safest city on the Island.

Regardez et partagez: Je travaille pour vous, afin que Côte Saint-Luc demeure la ville la plus sûre de l’île.

Driving CSL forward with EVs

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Watch and share: I’ve advocated for the city to purchase its first Electric Vehicle and truck. I am pushing for the adoption of more EVs in CSL to reduce our dependence on fuel and to reduce pollution and noise. I am so convinced that I got one myself!

CSL Public Works took delivery of its first electric vehicle, a Kia Soul, in November 2016 (Photo: Bebe Newman)

Regarder et partager: J’ai plaidé pour que la ville achète son premier véhicule électrique et camion. Je préconise l’adoption de plus de véhicules électriques dans CSL afin de réduire notre dépendance au carburant et de réduire la pollution et le bruit. Je suis tellement convaincu que j’en ai acheté une moi-même!

Polaris electric vehicle makes demo debut at CSL Public Works in November 2016


I visited the ZENN (Zero Emission No Noise) Auto manufacturer in St. Jerome in Oct. 2008 and took this early model electric for a spin around the test track


My brand new 2017 Chevy Volt Electric Vehicle

Dedicated to serving CSL – Au service de notre communauté

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DEDICATED TO SERVING CSL: I have dedicated and volunteered my entire adult life to serving the residents of CSL. Early on I pushed CSL to become the first city in Canada to require Bike Helmets, reducing the risk of traumatic brain injury… I led the move to make fire sprinklers mandatory in new homes, and began vCOP programs to check your smoke detectors and to watch your house when you’re away…  I continue to speak up for  linguistic rights and religious freedom… Earlier this year I launched the CSL Historical Society to help preserve our past and educate our youth.

Always pushing forward with new ideas: I want to help our older and vulnerable residents by having Public Works clear the snow pile blocking driveways to ease the burden on our seniors and those with medical conditions. Parking on streets with duplexes is challenging; we will paint lines to maximize the number of cars that can be parked at the curb.

PROVEN AND TRUSTED LEADERSHIP FOR THE FUTURE: Outspoken on investing in our playgrounds… Pushing for brighter LED street lighting… Pollution-free Electric Vehicles for our fleet and public charging stations… More services for young families… CSL mobile app… vCOP visits to those housebound… Maintain the highest level of safety and security and the lowest possible taxation…

Vote for tireless dedication, true commitment and proven experience.

Re-elect Glenn J. Nashen – Your Councillor.

Innovations : CSL est devenue la première ville au Canada à adopter un règlement municipal concernant le port obligatoire du casque pour les cyclistes et ce, lorsque j’ai initié cette mesure qui sauve des vies… J’ai aussi défendu nos services bilingues et parlerai toujours haut et fort en faveur de nos droits linguistiques, de la liberté des religions et bien sûr en faveur d’un Canada uni… Nous sommes la seule ville sur l’île de Montréal qui peut se vanter d’un programme de SMU qui sauve des vies ainsi que d’un programme vCOP – et je suis intégralement impliqué avec les deux.

De plus, je veux vous aider pour l’acquisition d’un équipement de déneigement spécialisé qui évitera l’obstruction de vos entrées. Ce programme sera certainement très bénéfiques à nos aînés ainsi qu’à ceux qui souffrent de certaines conditions médicales.

Un leadership assuré et fiable au service de demain: plus d’aires de jeux, de sentiers cyclables, de développements verts… attirer les jeunes familles et maintenir un haut niveau de sécurité publique…

Pour un dévouement inlassable, un engagement profond et une grande expérience Re-élisez Glenn J. Nashen.


Watch: CSL EMS – It takes leadership to save lives | SMU de CSL Un leadership assuré et fiable

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Watch and share: CSL Emergency Medical Services has always been my passion. I’ve responded to many hundreds of calls through the years, performed CPR 125 times and I take enormous pride in this life-saving service. I was awarded the Governor General’s Award for more than 20 years in EMS. In my next mandate as City Councillor I plan to continue to grow this unique volunteer organization to help save lives and come to your assistance rapidly.




Regardez et partagez: CSL Services médicaux d’urgences a toujours été ma passion. J’ai répondu à plusieurs centaines d’appels au cours des années, j’ai fait la RCR 125 fois et je suis très fier de ce service qui sauve des vies. J’ai reçu le Prix du Gouverneur général pour mes plus de 20 ans dans le SMU. Au cours de mon prochain mandat, à titre de conseiller municipal, je prévois continuer de faire croître cette organisation bénévole unique pour aider à sauver des vies et à venir rapidement à votre aide.

Happy residents on Melling Ave, Wonderful testimonial from Mitchell & Corrie White

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Corrie, Madison and Mitchell White – past award winners in CSL Villes Fleurie contest


“Glenn is an amazing person, family man, neighbour and district councillor. He is the type of leader that will sit at his dinner table with his CSL Public Safety walkie-talkie ‘squaking’ in the background, just in case! He is always there for all his constituents and those of the other districts as well because that is the type of person that Glenn J. Nashen is for our city.

Any time our family has ever needed anything in our 12 years of owning our home Glenn has helped facilitate those requests.

Good on you Glenn for your continued leadership and positive attitude towards our city and initiatives you are discussing.  You are so well respected because you put us first! Keep up the awesome work. I know that you will continue to love, support and lead within our community because that is what kind of special human being you have truly demonstrated to be as a community leader.”

Mitchell and Corrie White, Melling Avenue 



Rabbi Levi Raskin and his son on Melling Ave (Oct. 2017)


It was a fun night out meeting residents on Melling Avenue. Having spent half my life just a block over on Cork Ave it’s always fun to visit with familiar faces that have lived on the block for decades as well as newer residents who are happy and enthusiastic about their beautiful neighbourhood.

The first house I visited was that of a famous CSL family: The Raskins. Rabbi Levi Raskin is the Youth Director at Chabad CSL, son of Rabbi Mendel and Sarah Raskin. The good rabbi invited me in for a l’chaim and wished me well in the upcoming elections. “Shehakol yihiyeh tov!“, we said, ‘everything should be well’.

I wonder if Rabbi Raskin is aware that on his property sits the oldest tree in all of CSL, and one of the oldest on the Island of Montreal! Now that’s a blessing!

A 200 year old Bur Oak at the corner of Wavell and Melling. It is possibly the oldest of its kind on the island.


Thank you to all the residents on Melling Ave. Many invited me in for a little chat or offered me a drink. They brought up issues of local concern, spoke about experiences with city services and generally were happy with life on Melling. And I couldn’t agree more.

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