Assurer votre sécurité / Experience in keeping you safe: Réélisez / Re-Elect NASHEN in District 6

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Assurer votre sécurité:

Des décennies d’expérience comme bénévole aux services d’urgence, dirigeant professionnellement les préparatifs dans des situations de désastres à l’Hôpital général juif, 18 ans à Urgence Sante…Votre sécurité est ma préoccupation première.


À titre de conseiller responsable de la protection civile, j’ai dirigé le comité des services d’urgence de la ville qui gère les SMU, la sécurité publique et les mesures d’urgence et qui assure également la liaison avec les services de police et d’incendie. J’ai lancé à CSL le premier programme au Québec de Citoyens en patrouille. Aujourd’hui, je dirige 90 bénévoles qui patrouillent notre ville et nos parcs, jour et nuit. J’ai assumé un rôle de leadership dans la planification des mesures d’urgences lors d’importantes inondations, d’incendies graves dans bien d’autres cas urgents. Avec trente cinq ans d’implication auprès des services d’urgence de CSL, je suis la personne la mieux qualifiée pour vous représenter durant les moments éprouvants.




Your safety at home and around CSL has been my priority. With decades of experience as a leader in Emergency Medical Services and founder of volunteer Citizens On Patrol, championing Public Safety and Disaster Readiness, Police, Fire and Ambulance issues and overseeing emergency measures at the Jewish General Hospital I have ensured that CSL is the safest place on the Island of Montreal. My focus is on your safety.

I was there for you during major emergencies including the Ice Storm and am always preparing the city for the next disaster. Recognized by the Governor General with over 35 years of involvement in CSL emergency services I am the most qualified to represent you at the most challenging of times.

CSL Courier: October 2008 message

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This mandate has been the culmination of a David vs. Goliath epic saga. We battled to save our city, then our police station, our fire station and finally our Emergency Medical Services! They tried to take away each of these but when we fought back we won each and every time. Saving EMS is an absolute high point since being elected to council in 1990. Our renowned volunteer first responders, which I joined right out of high school in 1979, are proven life savers and we are so very fortunate to have them remain in our city!
You can support our EMS Lifesavers Fund, helping to defray the cost of training our volunteers and provide incentives for round-the-clock coverage. Your donation is tax deductible. Please make your cheque payable to the “City of CSL EMS Lifesavers Fund”.

We are constantly looking for new volunteers to join EMS as well as our volunteer Citizens on Patrol. Please help us recruit a few good residents.

Let’s remember to slow down near schools and parks where the speed limit is 30 km/h. Police are ticketing speeders and Public Security will enforce parking restrictions. Watch out for pedestrians and don’t stop in crosswalks. Teach young kids to safely cross the street and young drivers to respect all rules of the road. We are all responsible for road safety.

We are finally seeing a rejuvenation of our outdated playground equipment, part of our effort to attract and serve young families. New street signs will also help to spruce up our neighbourhoods.  And major efforts are underway at reducing garbage though new and innovative waste management initiatives to benefit us and future generations.

Norwalk Rd. residents had asked me to get rid of the unsightly bins next to the CSL Seniors Garden and they have indeed been removed. Shalom Ave. residents asked to slow traffic on Mackle Rd. and we are now testing new speed cushions in addition to the centre-of-the-road crosswalk signs I recommended. These signs are having a positive impact across District 6 and throughout our city.

When you change your clock back this fall remember to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors (you must have at least one on every floor but for extra safety put one in every bedroom).  CPR courses are now offered at the Parks and Recreation Department. Do your loved ones a favour and get trained!

To contact Councillor Glenn J. Nashen, call 514-485-6945 or send an e-mail message to