Farewell District 6 Adieu


It is with a heavy heart and humility that I accept the decision of District 6 voters.

I have called David Tordjman to congratulate him on his victory in this district and to wish him well in working on behalf of the constituency and all Cote Saint-Lucers.

I wish to thank those who continued to place their trust and confidence in me by marking their ballot next to my name. I appreciate your intentions notwithstanding the outcome.

To my campaign volunteers and supporters, I am gratified by your devotion in joining me on this incredible journey. You’ve been by my side in lousy weather, knocking on almost 2000 doors, hanging posters late on rainy nights, distributing flyers and postcards and making hundreds of phone calls and much more. I cannot express enough thanks to you for your efforts, your time and encouragement.

I have my council family to thank for six wonderful terms in office in harmony, fraternity and mutual respect. Mitchell Brownstein and Ruth Kovac have been my pillars of support from the very beginning. I revel in their victories and wish them, and all those elected, and those who were defeated, all the best as they move forward.

Finally, my own family has been rooted in Cote Saint-Luc for a lifetime. My parents instilled in me and my brothers a deep love for community. My wife and children embraced my civic pride and made it their own. The love and support of my wife – an extraordinary campaign manager; and my children – loyal, enthusiastic and adorable campaigners, is beyond description. Having dedicated my entire adult life to community and volunteerism, my kids have only known that their father was away at meetings at City Hall very, very frequently. I’ve missed so much at home and will now be able to be there for my family far more often.

As my wife describes, my heart is in Cote Saint-Luc and Cote Saint-Luc is in my heart. And that will never change.

For proven and trusted leadership re-elect Glenn J. Nashen | Pour un leadership assuré et fiable réélisez Glenn J. Nashen

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LIVE election results – Résultats des élections : Nov. 5, 2017   20:00   8:00PM


Dedicated to serving CSL – Au service de notre communauté

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DEDICATED TO SERVING CSL: I have dedicated and volunteered my entire adult life to serving the residents of CSL. Early on I pushed CSL to become the first city in Canada to require Bike Helmets, reducing the risk of traumatic brain injury… I led the move to make fire sprinklers mandatory in new homes, and began vCOP programs to check your smoke detectors and to watch your house when you’re away…  I continue to speak up for  linguistic rights and religious freedom… Earlier this year I launched the CSL Historical Society to help preserve our past and educate our youth.

Always pushing forward with new ideas: I want to help our older and vulnerable residents by having Public Works clear the snow pile blocking driveways to ease the burden on our seniors and those with medical conditions. Parking on streets with duplexes is challenging; we will paint lines to maximize the number of cars that can be parked at the curb.

PROVEN AND TRUSTED LEADERSHIP FOR THE FUTURE: Outspoken on investing in our playgrounds… Pushing for brighter LED street lighting… Pollution-free Electric Vehicles for our fleet and public charging stations… More services for young families… CSL mobile app… vCOP visits to those housebound… Maintain the highest level of safety and security and the lowest possible taxation…

Vote for tireless dedication, true commitment and proven experience.

Re-elect Glenn J. Nashen – Your Councillor.

Innovations : CSL est devenue la première ville au Canada à adopter un règlement municipal concernant le port obligatoire du casque pour les cyclistes et ce, lorsque j’ai initié cette mesure qui sauve des vies… J’ai aussi défendu nos services bilingues et parlerai toujours haut et fort en faveur de nos droits linguistiques, de la liberté des religions et bien sûr en faveur d’un Canada uni… Nous sommes la seule ville sur l’île de Montréal qui peut se vanter d’un programme de SMU qui sauve des vies ainsi que d’un programme vCOP – et je suis intégralement impliqué avec les deux.

De plus, je veux vous aider pour l’acquisition d’un équipement de déneigement spécialisé qui évitera l’obstruction de vos entrées. Ce programme sera certainement très bénéfiques à nos aînés ainsi qu’à ceux qui souffrent de certaines conditions médicales.

Un leadership assuré et fiable au service de demain: plus d’aires de jeux, de sentiers cyclables, de développements verts… attirer les jeunes familles et maintenir un haut niveau de sécurité publique…

Pour un dévouement inlassable, un engagement profond et une grande expérience Re-élisez Glenn J. Nashen.


Montreal elections: Traffic, parking and daycare are on voters’ minds in Côte-St-Luc: Montreal Gazette

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Côte-St-Luc voters will choose between incumbent Mitchell Brownstein and former mayor Robert Libman.

Longtime Côte-St-Luc resident Carole Blank says she’s “happy with everything” about life in the west-end municipality of more than 34,000 – a community with more than two dozen parks, an enviable aquatic and community centre complex, a stellar library and an almost even split between rented and owned dwellings. Although there are many older residents, the median age of 45.7 has dropped from 49 in 2016.

Côte-St-Luc residents, along with voters in other municipalities, go to the polls Nov. 5 to elect a mayor and council; in Côte-St-Luc, seven of the eight council seats are being contested. In the run-up to the election, the Montreal Gazette stopped by the Eleanor London Côte-St-Luc Public Library to get a sense of issues important to residents.

Keren Shemesh, who was browsing at the Cavendish Blvd. library with her son, 18-month-old Max Blauer, said she’d like to see more private daycares in Côte-St-Luc, particularly those with spaces for children under the age of two.

Pleased as he is with the facilities and “how everyone is friendly,” Miguel Laliberté said he wouldn’t mind a few small tweaks, like more late-night buses and parking signs he could interpret more easily.

For Julio Laufer, who with his wife, Dorothy, was waiting for a tablet class to start, traffic and the state of the roads are issues. Had the long-talked-about (and recently approved) Cavendish Blvd. extension from Côte-St-Luc to St-Laurent been in place connecting the two dead ends of Cavendish, the commute to his Côte-de-Liesse-area workplace would have been considerably shorter.

The condition of the roads and the long-promised Cavendish extension are issues for CSL residents Dorothy and Julio Laufer. (John Mahoney / MONTREAL GAZETTE)

Bernard Arbitman also wants to see the extension built – “There’s no quick exit now from Côte-St-Luc except for the Cavendish underpass,” he said – and would like overnight parking on city streets permitted. Currently it’s not.

Côte-St-Luc voters will be choosing between the current mayor and a former one. Incumbent Mitchell Brownstein, acclaimed as mayor in 2016 when longtime mayor Anthony Housefatherresigned after winning the federal seat in Mount Royal for the Liberals, had served as a city councillor since 1990. A lawyer by profession, he calls himself a full-time mayor – the kind of politician who gives out his personal cellphone number to constituents.

Traffic and parking are the issues for CSL resident Bernard Arbitman, who was reading a newspaper at the Eleanor London CSL Public Library, Tuesday October 17, 2017. (John Mahoney / MONTREAL GAZETTE)

Challenger Robert Libman, an architect and urban planner, was a provincial MNA from 1989 to 1994 and mayor of Côte-St-Luc from 1998 to 2005. He returned to private life and opened his own architectural consulting firm but returned to politics in 2014 and won the nomination in Mount-Royal for the Conservative Party of Canada; he was defeated by Housefather in the 2015 federal election.

There is substantial overlap in their platforms and both candidates consider reducing taxes, seeing through the Cavendish extension, improving roads and relocating and redeveloping the CP rail yards among their top priorities.

For resident Matthew Ross, whose home borders on the yards, their relocation is “my Number One issue.” Aside from advantages for the city linked to redevelopment of the area, which constitutes virtually a third of the municipality’s territory, Ross said he would welcome an end to the noise and odours generated by the yards.

CSL resident Carole Blank, checking out books from the Eleanor London CSL Public Library, says she is “happy with everything” in her municipality as residents prepare to vote for a mayor and councillors in the Nov. 5 municipal election. Tuesday October 17, 2017. (John Mahoney / MONTREAL GAZETTE)

Despite their agreement on issues, a seemingly personal rivalry between the candidates has become evident. Each has levelled insults against the other on Let’s Chat CSL, a closed Facebook group for residents. And during a recent television debate moderated by Jamie Orchard of Global News, the two interrupted each other, talked over one another and traded barbs.

One issue that has garnered media attention involves Libman’s role as in-house architect coordinating new projects with Olymbec, a real-estate company that owns parcels of land on the site of the future Cavendish extension. Brownstein has said this creates a potential conflict of interest. In fact, the land in question in the eventual corridor has already been reserved for expropriation – and was reserved before Libman entered the race.

As mayor, he said he would recuse himself in the event of a zoning issue or development project in Côte-St-Luc in which a potential conflict existed, “to be perfectly transparent … and to avoid perceived conflict.” But the Cavendish extension is not such an issue, he said, “because it is a done deal.”

“There is no conflict and will not be a conflict,” Libman wrote in his Let’s Chat CSL post. “It’s already reserved. I’ve been pushing this project for the past 15 years, well before I ever started working as an architect with Olymbec. Let’s stick to the issues in the campaign and let the democratic process unfold fairly and with respect for all candidates.”

Both mayoral candidates are seasoned politicians and each has his supporters. Turnout for municipal elections in Quebec tends to be low: Fewer than half of those eligible voted in the 2013 municipal elections, although that’s slightly more than voted in previous elections. But as one Côte-St-Luc councillor observed: “I think the good news about all this is that we will get a strong voter turnout. And that is good for democracy.”




Watch: vCOP keeping us safe in Cote Saint-Luc


In my next mandate I look forward to growing vCOP beyond 100 volunteers to cover more time slots and patrol hours throughout the day and night. We will increase the Vacation Spot-Check to watch over more homes and begin visiting shut-ins – vulnerable CSLers who will benefit from an occasional visit and check up from our caring and concerned vCOP crews.

I also enjoy an occasional patrol with the volunteers which I launched 11 years ago and am so pleased with the accomplishments and achievements of this extraordinary group, one of a kind in our province.

I’ve worked tirelessly to ensure CSL is the safest place on the Island of Montreal and will will continue to spend my time and direct my energy to make sure it stays that way!


Dans le prochain mandat, je prévois de faire croître vCOP au-delà de 100 volontaires pour couvrir plus d’heures tout au long de la journée et de la nuit. Nous allons augmenter la vérification des maisons et commencer à rendre visite aux résidents vulnérables qui bénéficieront d’une visite occasionnelle et vérifieront auprès de nos équipes soignantes et concernées.

J’assisterai aussi d’une patrouille occasionnelle avec les bénévoles que j’ai lancée il y a 11 ans et je suis si heureux des accomplissements de ce groupe extraordinaire, unique en son genre dans notre province.

J’ai travaillé sans relâche pour m’assurer que CSL est l’endroit le plus sûr de l’île de Montréal et je continuerai à passer mon temps et à diriger mon énergie pour m’assurer que ça reste comme ça!

Assurer votre sécurité / Experience in keeping you safe: Réélisez / Re-Elect NASHEN in District 6

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Assurer votre sécurité:

Des décennies d’expérience comme bénévole aux services d’urgence, dirigeant professionnellement les préparatifs dans des situations de désastres à l’Hôpital général juif, 18 ans à Urgence Sante…Votre sécurité est ma préoccupation première.


À titre de conseiller responsable de la protection civile, j’ai dirigé le comité des services d’urgence de la ville qui gère les SMU, la sécurité publique et les mesures d’urgence et qui assure également la liaison avec les services de police et d’incendie. J’ai lancé à CSL le premier programme au Québec de Citoyens en patrouille. Aujourd’hui, je dirige 90 bénévoles qui patrouillent notre ville et nos parcs, jour et nuit. J’ai assumé un rôle de leadership dans la planification des mesures d’urgences lors d’importantes inondations, d’incendies graves dans bien d’autres cas urgents. Avec trente cinq ans d’implication auprès des services d’urgence de CSL, je suis la personne la mieux qualifiée pour vous représenter durant les moments éprouvants.




Your safety at home and around CSL has been my priority. With decades of experience as a leader in Emergency Medical Services and founder of volunteer Citizens On Patrol, championing Public Safety and Disaster Readiness, Police, Fire and Ambulance issues and overseeing emergency measures at the Jewish General Hospital I have ensured that CSL is the safest place on the Island of Montreal. My focus is on your safety.

I was there for you during major emergencies including the Ice Storm and am always preparing the city for the next disaster. Recognized by the Governor General with over 35 years of involvement in CSL emergency services I am the most qualified to represent you at the most challenging of times.

Nashen launches re-election bid in District 6 with over 260 names


Municipal Elections November 5, 2017

Councillor Glenn J. Nashen

The 2017 municipal election campaign has begun in Cote Saint-Luc. District 6 Councillor Glenn J. Nashen has officially launched his re-election bid and has filed his candidacy papers with the vice-president of elections. To support his candidacy, Nashen has amassed over 260 signatures of residents on his nomination papers.
Nashen will be seeking re-election in the district in which he grew up and spent half his life in and has represented since 1990.
Mayor Mitchell Brownstein has announced his support for Nashen. “Glenn founded the CSL volunteer Citizens on Patrol and as a volunteer and champion of our Emergency Medical Services and Public Safety, CSL is the safest community on the Island of Montreal. I rely on Glenn’s advice on all major issues. Also, as Councillor for Communications he ensures residents are informed of everything going on in our city on a timely basis.”

Councillor Glenn J. Nashen and Mayor Mitchell Brownstein at a Public Council meeting

“Glenn is always looking for new ways to make Cote Saint-Luc an even safer place in which to live,” the mayor added.
Glenn was a volunteer leader with our Emergency Medical Services organization for many years, responding to hundreds of 911 emergency calls in our community.
“Your safety at home and around CSL has been my priority. With decades of experience as a leader in Emergency Medical Services and founder of volunteer Citizens On Patrol, championing Public Safety and Disaster Readiness, Police, Fire and Ambulance issues and overseeing emergency measures at the Jewish General Hospital I have ensured that CSL is the safest place on the Island of Montreal. My focus is on your safety,” Nashen said.
“I am most qualified to represent you at the most challenging of times,” Nashen said, referring to disaster and major emergency situations.
The District 6 councillor was recognized by the Governor General of Canada with the Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Services Award, with over 35 years of involvement in CSL emergency services.
Councillor Glenn J. Nashen on duty with vCOP
Nashen oversees the Public Safety division of vCOP – an extraordinary service which he created – and all aspects of Emergency Preparedness.
Nashen led the demerger forces along with current Member of Parliament Anthony Housefather, Councillor Ruth Kovac and Mayor Mitchell Brownstein, returning the community to its historic city status. “We must ensure that we retain our status as a city and not to be re-merged with Montreal, to keep control of our local taxes and services and especially to safeguard our unique volunteer EMS, our local police station and so much more, Nashen said.

These median crosswalk signs, first proposed by Councillor Glenn J. Nashen have made crossing the road safer in CSL – Ces panneaux de signalisation pour piétons qui ont fait traverser la route plus sûre en CSL

Nashen began his door to door campaign with a goal of knocking on every single door in District 6. “I may not find everyone at home when I come knocking, but anyone can reach me at anytime,” Nashen said.
Nashen is one of the most accessible councillors with a substantial presence on social media. His blog, Nashen Notes (www.GlennJ.Nashen.com), has thousands of posts about the city with archival news clips and photos dating back several decades. He is also active on Twitter and Facebook, posting breaking news items and local news not found in any newspaper. In 2015 he served as mayor of Cote Saint-Luc for two months following the resignation of mayor Anthony Housefather who became Member of Parliament for Mount Royal.

Councillor Glenn J. Nashen initiated new high visibility crosswalk signage in Cote Saint-Luc such as the one pictured above as well as the middle-of-the-road flexi signs, among the first in Quebec.


Élections municipales du 5 novembre 2017– C’est aujourd’hui le début de la période électorale municipale au Québec.
C’est aujourd’hui que débute la période électorale précédant les élections générales municipales du 5 novembre prochain. Il s’agit d’une étape particulièrement importante dans les 1000 municipalités du Québec.
Pour avoir la qualité d’électeur, vous devez :
avoir 18 ans ou plus le jour du scrutin, soit le 5 novembre 2017
le 1er septembre 2017
être de citoyenneté canadienne;
ne pas être soumis au régime de la curatelle;
ne pas être déclaré coupable d’une infraction qui constitue une manœuvre électorale frauduleuse;
Et à cette même date (1er septembre), remplir l’une des deux conditions suivantes :
être domicilié dans la municipalité et, depuis au moins six mois, au Québec; ou
être le propriétaire d’un immeuble ou l’occupant d’un établissement d’entreprise situé sur le territoire de la municipalité, depuis au moins 12 mois.
L’électeur non domicilié dans la municipalité mais propriétaire d’un immeuble ou occupant d’un établissement d’entreprise situé sur le territoire de la municipalité doit transmettre un écrit signé à la municipalité demandant d’ajouter son nom sur la liste électorale.
Les personnes copropriétaires d’un immeuble ou cooccupantes d’un établissement d’entreprise doivent désigner parmi elles, au moyen d’une procuration transmise à la municipalité, une seule personne qui peut être inscrite sur la liste électorale.
To ensure you are on the electoral list you may call Elections Quebec at 1-888-ELECTION.

All CSL council members running for re-election

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The Suburban can now confirm that all nine members of the current Côte St. Luc council plan to run for re-election in this November’s municipal vote.

Last week, in response to an e-mail sent by The Suburban to all council members, most replied, including councillors Mike Cohen, Dida Berku, Steven Erdelyi, Allan Levine, Glenn Nashen, Sidney Benizri and Ruth Kovac.

In the last few days, Mayor Mitchell Brownstein and District 1 Councillor Sam Goldbloom responded as well.

“As a full time Mayor I have enjoyed my first 10 months and look forward to my next 10 months,” Brownstein said. “The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. I am humbled and honoured to represent a proud community where we all truly appreciate excellence and work together to achieve it.”

The Mayor also detailed some of the achievements of the past several months, since he was acclaimed last year as mayor, and future plans.

“With the continued full support of our very talented members of council and having settled the collective agreements with the professionals, whites and blues, and having built a wonderful relationship with our management team, we are moving forward with a new customer service and employee appreciation program,” he said. “Labour peace helps create a happy work environment which improves quality of service to residents. Insuring the best quality of life and service in our city is my number one objective.

“I also continue to purse major projects such as the Cavendish extension and the potential relocation of the rail yards, meeting with all levels of government and the railways on a regular basis. I have developed excellent working relationships which will help move these and other important projects forward.”

Goldbloom also confirmed he is running again.

“I love what I am doing and I have some projects in mind to complete and participate in,” he said.

Why Mitchell Brownstein is running for mayor?

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On a recent evening at the home of Mitchell Brownstein, until recently the Cote Saint-Luc City Councillor for District 7, he gathered many of his volunteers for his bid for the mayor’s office in the upcoming election. In this video recorded, that night, Mitchell describes his background, circumstances and people who brought him to the point of seeking the highest office in our city.

My friendship and aspiration for our community goes back well over 25 years with Mitchell. Having worked on my first political campaign Mitchell took interest in local politics and I convinced him to seek office himself. We have served together ever since and supported each others visions and goals and shared in many common achievements. Significant within our many accomplishments together is our involvement in ensuring Canadian Unity and successfully demerging from the undemocratically forced Montreal megacity.

Mitchell Brownstein, Anthony Housefather, Ruth Kovac and Glenn J. Nashen tally up results in leading the city to victory in the demerger battle

Mitchell Brownstein, Anthony Housefather, Ruth Kovac and Glenn J. Nashen tally up results in leading the city to victory in the demerger battle

Mitchell is very much a leader with a positive and progressive vision for Cote Saint-Luc. Having seen what he can do over the years as a city councillor I have no doubt in his abilities to take our city to even higher heights in terms of outstanding services to residents at reasonable cost. He has a vision for strong, sound business practice and firm fiscal management. His legal background will guide him in managing the local administration and workforce while his impressive interpersonal skills and sense of social justice will ensure that our city remains one of the best places to live, to raise a family and to remain in once the children have grown and moved on.

Please watch the video and post your reasons for supporting Mitchell Brownstein for mayor here on my blog and on Facebook.

Brownstein for Mayor 2016

Brownstein’s campaign for mayor in full swing

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Côte Saint-Luc mayoral candidate Mitchell Brownstein has formally launched a robust campaign in advance of the April 10 by-election to fill the void left when Anthony Housefather resigned in order to become the Liberal Member of Parliament for Mount Royal.


Brownstein formally resigned as city councillor for District 7 in order to allow for concurrent by-elections for both his seat and the office of mayor.  Last Friday, February 27, he filed his nomination papers at City Hall with almost 2,000 signatures which represents about 10 percent of the electorate. Soon after, he and seven teams of 30 volunteers hit the streets to put up his very colourful campaign posters which now dot the city. Brochures are now being delivered to every door in Côte Saint-Luc while a door to door campaign which began weeks ago continues at a steady pace, as do regular speaking engagements.


“Although I only needed a small number of signatures, I have used the opportunity of going door to door over the last month to collect added signatures,” said the Brownstein. “I intend to continue to reach out to as many of the 34,000 residents as possible. This is just the beginning of my campaign to become a mayor who is a friend to the entire community. Even though I do not currently have an opponent I want to make sure to let Côte Saint-Luc residents know that I will always be accessible and available. I will continue to do so throughout my mandate, just as I did for the past 25 years as a city councillor.”


Brownstein is supported  by the  entire city council, as well as Housefather and such well known local personalities as former MNA Lawrence Bergman, former Councillors Joe Panunto, Harold Greenspon, Richard Schwartz and Isadore Goldberg and businessmen Gerry Weinstein, Jean Alloul, Ariel Sabbah and Jack Dym. A lawyer by profession, Brownstein was first elected in 1990 and has been at the forefront of many important issues facing Côte Saint-Luc, Quebec and Canada. The happily married father of three has held the portfolios of Public Works and Parks and Recreation, introduced the Fun Card providing access to CSL recreational facilities at an annual nominal fee, and established the Cote Saint-Luc Dramatic Society.  He actively participates in the programs and facilities the city has to offer regularly swimming in our pools and acting in the Dramatic Society productions.


The Mayoralty election is scheduled for April 10 and the Brownstein team intends to keep working for every vote.
For more information go to www.mitchellbrownstein.ca. You can also follow his campaign on Facebook.

Proven and trusted leadership

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Many thanks to my army of volunteers who blanketed District 6 last night in under 90 minutes. They delivered this flyer to every single mailbox.

It’s wonderful to have such amazing supporters and I am truly appreciative of this group effort. Their enthusiasm, and the wonderful reception I have been receiving meeting residents at their doors certainly makes public service that much more satisfying and meaningful.

Un leadership assuré et fiable

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Nashen re-election flyer 2013 FR

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Un grand merci à mon armée de bénévoles qui recouvraient le District 6 hier soir en moins de 90 minutes. Ils ont livré ce dépliant à chaque boîte aux lettres.

C’est formidable d’avoir des partisans incroyables et je suis vraiment reconnaissante de cet effort collectif. Leur enthousiasme et l’accueil merveilleux que je reçois chez les résidents est, sans aucun doute, satisfaisant et significatif.

130 residents endorse Nashen for re-election in district 6


The municipal election campaign has begun in Cote Saint-Luc’s District 6. Today Councillor Glenn J. Nashen has officially launched his re-election bid and has filed his candidacy papers with the vice-president of elections. To support his candidacy, Nashen has amassed 130 signatures of residents on his nomination papers.

Nashen will be seeking re-election in the district he grew up in and has represented since 1990.

Mayor Anthony Housefather has announced support for Nashen along with his incumbent colleagues.

“Glenn J. Nashen continues to be a great advocate for public safety, always looking for new ways to make Cote Saint-Luc an even safer place in which to live. Glenn was a volunteer with our Emergency Medical Services organization for many years,” Mayor Housefather said.

Councillor Glenn J. Nashen on duty with vCOP

Councillor Glenn J. Nashen on duty with vCOP

“He continues to oversee that dossier, in addition to our Public Security, Emergency Preparedness and the volunteer Citizens on Patrol – an extraordinary service which he created. Glenn is constantly in touch with our local Police and Fire Departments, ensuring that matters of public safety are in good hands,” added the mayor.

“This has been an excellent council and a superb mandate during these last four years. Our group of eight has in fact been together since we demerged from Montreal. We have been an effective and business oriented team overseeing the city,” Mayor Housefather said.

Nashen led the demerger forces along with Housefather, Ruth Kovac and Mitchell Brownstein returning the area to its historic city status.

“I have always believed in empowering each member of council and I am very pleased with the success that has come with my decision to assign portfolios. We have accomplished everything that was promised and more. I would be proud to serve with each one of these dedicated civic leaders for the next four years,” Housefather added.

The Nashens begin the door to door campaign in front of Glenn's first home on Cork Ave in late August

The Nashens begin the door to door campaign in front of Glenn’s first home on Cork Ave in late August

Nashen began his door to door campaign in August with a goal of knocking on every single door in District 6. “I may not find everyone at home when I come knocking, but anyone can reach me at anytime,” Nashen said.

Nashen is one of the most accessible councillors with a substantial presence on social media. His blog, Nashen Notes, has nearly 2000 posts about the city with archival news clips and photos dating back several decades. He is also active on Twitter and Facebook, posting breaking news items and local news not found in any newspaper.

Élections municipales du 3 novembre 2013 – C’est aujourd’hui le début de la période électorale municipale au Québec

C’est aujourd’hui que débute la période électorale précédant les élections générales municipales du 3 novembre prochain. Il s’agit d’une étape particulièrement importante dans les 1 103 municipalités du Québec.

Pour avoir la qualité d’électeur, vous devez :


avoir 18 ans ou plus le jour du scrutin, soit le 3 novembre 2013


le 1er septembre 2013

être de citoyenneté canadienne;

ne pas être soumis au régime de la curatelle;

ne pas être déclaré coupable d’une infraction qui constitue une manœuvre électorale frauduleuse;

Et à cette même date (1er septembre), remplir l’une des deux conditions suivantes :

être domicilié dans la municipalité et, depuis au moins six mois, au Québec; ou

être le propriétaire d’un immeuble ou l’occupant d’un établissement d’entreprise situé sur le territoire de la municipalité, depuis au moins 12 mois.

L’électeur non domicilié dans la municipalité mais propriétaire d’un immeuble ou occupant d’un établissement d’entreprise situé sur le territoire de la municipalité doit transmettre un écrit signé à la municipalité demandant d’ajouter son nom sur la liste électorale.


Les personnes copropriétaires d’un immeuble ou cooccupantes d’un établissement d’entreprise doivent désigner parmi elles, au moyen d’une procuration transmise à la municipalité, une seule personne qui peut être inscrite sur la liste électorale.